Jet pack dreams
take flight
CNET - San Francisco,CA,USA
The ThunderPack model TP-R2G2, created by Thunderbolt Aerosystems,
just might be the closest thing available to the rocket-powered jet pack of
your ...
Ready To Commute With The ThunderPack Personal Propulsion
By News Account
We've been waiting for a good personal jet pack system since
seeing Sean Connery strap on that Bell-Textron thing in the opening sequence
of Thunderball. Thunderbolt Aerosystems founder Carmelo "Nino" Amarena
must have seen that movie ...
Blogging - The world's... -
Life Jetpack]Thunderpack Personal Propulsion System
By Sean
Thunderbolt Aerosystems today announced the release of its THUNDERPACK,
a personal propulsion system capable of sustaining flight for longer than ever
before achieved and concurrently unveiled plans to develop a jet powered THUNDERJET ...
Forums -
Jet-{owered ThunderPack -
$100000 for 75 Seconds of Flight
But, you also have the option to put the same amount of money to buy a jet-powered ThunderPack from
Thunderbolt Aerosystems that will take you to the skies for real. The creator,
Carmelo Nino Amarena cites that his jetpack is an update ...
- Engineering News... -
Jet-powered ThunderPack -
$100000 for 75 seconds of flight
By Naveen
But, you also have the option to put the same amount of money to buy a jet-powered ThunderPack from
Thunderbolt Aerosystems that will take you to the skies for real. The creator,
Carmelo Nino Amarena cites that his jetpack is an update ...
Rich -
Personal Rocket-pack
By 27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7
24 the release of its ThunderPack, "a personal propulsion
system capable of sustaining flight for longer than ever before achieved [which
is unfortunately not very long]." They also unveiled plans for a jet-powered
ThunderJet with ...
Jet-Powered ThunderPack -
$100000 for 75 Seconds of Flight
... a host of video games in which you can imagine to fly around
in. But, you also have the option to put the same amount of money to buy a jet-powered ThunderPack from
Thunderbolt Aerosystems that will take you to the skies for real.
- Recent Forum Threads and... -
Your Very Own Rocket Pack for $100K
By aislemontea
Nevertheless, Thunderbolt Aerosystems is releasingThunderpack,
a “personal propulsion system” it says provides a 300 percent improvement
in flight time over other rocket packs. There are other rocket packs? Yes, actually. ...
Coming to a municipality near you!
By patleeman
For only $100000 you too can be a rocket pack wearing, bad
guy fighting, funny helmet wearing hero! That is if you keep the flying down
to 75 seconds. Seems like Thunderbolt Aerosystems is releasing the.. you ready
for this? THUNDERPACK ...
is this crap? -
jetpacks offered: $100k, August delivery
Register - London,England,UK
The "ThunderPack™", produced by Thunderbolt
Aerosystems uses a novel "dual fuel" system to increase flight time
somewhat over that offered by rocketpacks of ...
all stories on this topic
Jet pack dreams take flight
By Caroline McCarthy
For those of you who've lost hope that you'll ever have a robot butler or drive
a hovercraft, here's a glimmer of possibility: a jet pack!
Thunderbolt Aerosystems has developed the ThunderPack, a "rocket
belt" that can propel you ...
The gadget blog -
Thunderpack gives
you wings, flies you places
Like the Personal Jet Wing, Thunderbolt Aerosystems has developed the ThunderPack,
which is a "rocket belt" that can thrust you through the air at up
to 75 miles per hour. The company believes in making this jetpack available
to the ...
the Jet Pack has Arrived!
By Staff
Forget the fact that we have waited our whole lives for this futuristic flight,
the ThunderPack Jet Pack is here and ready
for take off. Thunderbolt Aerosystems’ wants to bring the jet pack to
the masses. Can you imagine the sky rage ...
Gadget Crunch
to work with new jet pack
Metro - London,UK
His company, Thunderbolt Aerosys Splashtems, said the ThunderPack jet pack harnesses
rocket fuel and hi-tech propulsion to provide an 'economical' vehicle. ...
all stories on this topic
leavin’ on a jet-pack...
The Sun - London,UK
A California firm yesterday unveiled the ThunderPack, a personal
jet harness that lets users fly at up to 75mph. Unfortunately the £50000
device can only go ...
all stories on this topic
= Ultimate Geek Gadget
I have been looking at this jet pack called The ThunderPack all
week and I can’t help wonder…if money was no object, how many of
you would have something like this? I'm guessing a lot. Sure, it can fly only
for 75 seconds--and that's ...
[H]ardOCP News/Article Feed | Translate | Archive | Share
Jet pack dreams take flight
For those of you who’ve lost hope that you’ll ever have a robot
butler or drive a hovercraft, here’s a glimmer of possibility: a jet pack!
Thunderbolt Aerosystems has developed the ThunderPack, a “rocket
belt” that can propel you through ...
Tech News 2 U
= Ultimate Geek Gadget
Hard OCP – Wed, 30 Jan 2008 19:55 PST
Words matched: Thunderbolt Aerosystems
...everything from forest fire control to business commutes. For about $100,000, Thunderbolt Aerosystems says
you can have a TP-R2G2 this summer. __
Firm Doubles Flying Time of Jetpack – Wed, 30 Jan 2008 13:48 PST
Words matched: Thunderbolt Aerosystems
Click here for's Patents and Innovation Center. Now Thunderbolt
Aerosystems of San Jose has doubled that flying time. By mixing in
takes you up, up and away
By Matt Chapman
According to Carmelo “Nino” Amarena – the
founder of Thunderbolt Aerosystems – the idea was born of his desire to
shorten the grueling commute to his Bay Area office. The work represents more
than a decade’s worth of effort to apply ...
Gadget -
firm unveils a working jetpack designed for the public.
Showbiz Spy - Guildford,England,UK
The jetpack is the brainchild of company founder Carmelo “Nino” Amarena,
who was sick of getting stuck in rush hour traffic on his way to work. ...
all stories on this topic
- Page 1 - Strategicboard Blog Search Engine
Thunderbolt Aerosystems founder Carmelo "Nino" Amarena must
have seen that movie too because ... The creator, Carmelo Nino
Amarena cites that his jetpack
up and away in a ThunderPack
Slippery Brick - Portland,OR,USA
Thunderbolt Aerosystems founder Carmelo “Nino” Amarena (no
relation) hopes to soon develop what he is calling the ThunderJet, which will
deliver some ...
all stories on this topic
The founder of Thunderbolt Aerosystems, Carmelo "Nino" Amarena,
invented the ThunderPack because he wanted to shorten the "grueling commute" to
his office in San Francisco. His goal with his research is to achieve a "rocket
belt for the ...
Seconds of Rocket-Pack Flight for $100K
Wired Blogs - USA
Thunderbolt founder Carmelo “Nino” Amarena sees
the ThunderPack being used by firefighters, border patrol agents, and soldiers,
and the company's web site ...
all stories on this topic
Carmelo Nino
Amarena - Instablogs
carmelo-nino-amarena. ,. WIRE NEWS and INSTABLOGS
CLUB. Jet-powered ThunderPack - $100000 for 75 seconds of flight. 23 hr. ago,
Naveen ...
Thunderbolt Aerosystems Inc. Unveils THUNDERPACK Personal ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
Born of Thunderbolt Aerosystems founder Carmelo "Nino" Amarena's desire
to shorten the grueling commute to his Bay Area office, the THUNDERPACK ...
all stories on this topic
ThunderPack jetpack promises to make you a ThunderMan... for ...
engadget - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Creator Carmelo "Nino" Amarena says
his pack is an update of the hydrogen peroxide-powered packs of the 1950s, but
that it's been updated to use two fuels ...
all stories on this topic
In 1996, California engineer Carmelo “Nino” Amarena took
on the challenge of building a new generation of rocketpacks that would break
the barrier plaguing ...
Born Rich: Luxury Blog
- Your ultimate guide to the most expensive ...
The creator, Carmelo Nino Amarena cites that his jetpack is
an update of the hydrogen peroxide-powered packs of the 1950s, but it has been
updated to make ...
Fly to work with new jet pack
Metro - London,UK
His company, Thunderbolt Aerosys Splashtems, said the ThunderPack jet pack harnesses
rocket fuel and hi-tech propulsion to provide an 'economical' vehicle. ...
all stories on this topic
leavin’ on a jet-pack...
The Sun - London,UK
A California firm yesterday unveiled the ThunderPack, a personal
jet harness that lets users fly at up to 75mph. Unfortunately the £50000
device can only go ...
all stories on this topic
= Ultimate Geek Gadget
I have been looking at this jet pack called The ThunderPack all
week and I can’t help wonder…if money was no object, how many
of you would have something like this? I'm guessing a lot. Sure, it can fly
only for 75 seconds--and that's ...
News/Article Feed -
Jet pack dreams take flight
For those of you who’ve lost hope that you’ll ever have a robot
butler or drive a hovercraft, here’s glimmer of possibility: a jet pack!
Thunderbolt Aerosystems has developed the ThunderPack, a “rocket
belt” that can propel you through ...
Tech News 2
U -